International Volunteer Day. December 5th 2020

Who is a volunteer? How to be or become a volunteer? Why is #InternationalVolunteer Day celebrated on December 5?

Trash bin as compost
You may wonder what volunteering has to do with us, so let's put a little context on it.

Since 1968, long before the vast majority of us were able to make decisions about the direction of our businesses, the UN recognized the relevance of studying the possibility that the creation of local volunteer corps could have on world development. (vid UNGA Resolution 2460(XXIII): Feasibility of creating an international corps of volunteers for development 20 December 1968), a resolution that only 1 year later led to the creation within the structure of the United Nations of a body of Volunteers.

The most relevant thing is that UNGA Resolution in December 1970, the United Nations promoted this volunteer project based on the conviction that “the active participation of new and younger generations in all social and economic aspects of life is an important factor in ensuring increasing the effectiveness of the collective efforts necessary for a better society. "

In December 1985, the United NationsGeneral Assembly, recognizing the impact that both the UN Volunteer Corps as well as the general volunteer service have on the social and economic development of communities, decreed December 5 as the “International Volunteering Day ” in order to “thank all the efforts made by volunteers and their organizations, as well as promote their values ​​and publicize the achievements they achieve in their communities, either through non-governmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, government agencies or the private sector ”(UN)

This year 2020, the motto is “Together We Can Through Volunteering” and its graphic a blue heart ðŸ’™symbol of solidarity and compassion towards the volunteers.


Volunteering in a Pandemic. From the depths of the heart.

Volunteering means making use, for the benefit of third parties and without financial remuneration, of the only resource available to human beings but that cannot be replaced: time.

Time is a finite resource that we will never recover. Therefore, for those who give their time for the benefit of others -most of the time strangers- to make things happen or work to be done,  volunteer work has such a great reward: the satisfaction of knowing that they are doing good.

However, today, on the #IVD2020💙 To you, who regardless of creeds or races, give an example of humility and contribute in different ways, generating positive impact to make a better family, a better community, a better country, a better world… THANK YOU! Thank you for giving your time to make great “little” things happen.

To all those who despite the pandemic - or precisely because of it - have been there, overcoming all possible adversities, fighting for others as Volunteers, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! To you, who being people of blood and flesh sometimes are REAL Superheroes… THANKS A LOT!

During this pandemic, the fragility of many of our societies has become evident; many did not have the necessary infrastructure to serve populations that have been left unprotected. However, during the same pandemic, incredible things have been achieved thanks to the work of thousands of volunteers who, individually or in groups, have managed to minimize the damage to individuals, families and entire communities! Thanks to people who selflessly have taken care of the health of the patients and their families, as well as the families of the essential health care workers who have given them unconditional love and support, thanks to those who prepare and bring food to the most vulnerable populations, provide shelter to those affected, and education. Thanks to those who have been writing letters to give some company and affection to lonely patients, Thanks to you all for your vocation and creativity in action to serve others!


Volunteering as motivational causes of the heart.

Fortunately, there are many types of volunteering; community, environmental, civil protection, volunteering in elections and a myriad of activities that can be carried out pro bono.  There are also many governmental, private or non-governmental organizations that are continuously recruiting volunteers with different profiles, interests and talents, who also provide guidance and the corresponding training -if necessary-.

No matter what “your calling” or “the cause” you follow, they all have in common a human act; the free decision to help others, to give time, affection, resources, without expecting anything in return! It is an opportunity to be in communion with other volunteers or members of a community, to learn and grow, to transcend. Volunteering in many cases is not an easy task, but it is always rewarding!

Either as a team or as part of an organization as small as a family, or structured as an NGO, or even independently, we can all volunteer for specific projects or campaigns.  Perhaps, we can also commit ourselves on a more recurring basis.


 It is your decision, what moves you?

We at PulCan are driven by the shocking and unnecessary waste of food that exists on our Planet. In Latin America, a significant part of the population suffers from food insecurity. It is estimated by FAO that in 2019 alone, the figure rose to almost 48 million people who suffer from the impossibility of having regular and safe access to food, or eat food on average less than once a day, and that in Venezuela alone there are almost 3 million people -more than 10% of the population- who require urgent and immediate help due to the food insecurity to which they are exposed.

Since we started our venture in the US, we have tried to contribute a “grain of yeast” in our daily actions and the way we carry out our work.

On one hand, the brands we represent contribute to reducing food loss in our customers’ kitchens.  On the other hand, we have designed a sample management, administration and monitoring program: only the necessary quantities are used to carry out the demonstration to customers and prospects, achieving efficiency in the management of products and monitoring of business opportunities.  We know that this takes more time and requires additional efforts, but it is part of the change in which we truly want to contribute to achieve less food waste in our industry every day.


If you could be a Volunteer for 1 day, What would you do? Remember #TogetherWeCan💙


Tell us! Do you know a Volunteer? Maybe a Superhero? Are you or have you been a Volunteer?

Please, share with us your experience, inspire and “spread” to others! ðŸ˜‰❤💙