Customer Experience: Center and engine of the Business, specially in Delivery Service.

Pastelitos hojaldre. Puff pastry
Customer Experience in Delivery Service: A Connection that must last far beyond receiving the order.

The Customer experience is without a doubt the center and engine of any Business. Customer experience is about the set of emotions and perceptions that the Client feels and lives in every single moment - unique and unrepeatable - in which he interacts with my business, in one way or another. It is also related to the capacity that as a team we are able to develop to influence them in a positive way, our focus being the generation of memorable moments for them, that link them emotionally and in a positive way with our food, our service, our team, our brand!

Transmitting what you do in the room through remote or virtual media is not always easy, but the details make the difference! When we offer Delivery Service or Take-out we are not only sending a package with food to satisfy such a basic need as hunger.  We are “delivering experiences”!!! Sharing with family or friends a moment of joy or relaxation… or a moment of peace and reflection alone. Enjoying a good movie during dinner... the tranquility of solving the children's meal despite the kitchen being damaged, you name it!! They chose your restaurant to be part of it!!! It is a privilege. It is an opportunity.  How are you going to respond?

Beware of the telephone service!! Although it seems incredible and on the other side they cannot see our body language, alike our mood, it is also perceived through our voice. If the person who is talking by phone with the Customer, is sitting badly or doing something else at the same time, he or she will perceive her lack of interest and connection, which will be an unpleasant experience and therefore, will be very negative for our business.

It is very important to take into consideration, that just as it happens in the room of your Restaurant, each moment and each contact channel, is an opportunity to generate a bond, strengthen a relationship, fall in love with your Client, and one more step towards the goal of achieving engagement and loyalty! You want to reach your customers’ “Top of Mind”, but also as some marketing experts say their “Top of Heart”!! And that requires lots of dedication, perseverance, and love so it lasts far beyond that moment when receiving the order.

What should we do to make memorable every experience of our Customers?

First of all we have to think that it can be both the first and/or the last “visit”… everything will depend on how you will make him feel during his “visit”, right? Well, in this case, since we are referring to a “virtual” relationship, everything will depend on how well you design, prepare, think of every single detail to make his experience “flow”... to go smoothly through every step on the journey form the moment he picks up the phone or goes to the web to “scan” your menu, through paying, receiving the order, unpacking, eating it, until disposing the leftovers!! 

So, keeping that in mind, you will have to design the experience your customers will live in such a way that works for you and your business and also gives “wow” moments to your customers so they will remember either as so pleasant or nice, fun, different, considered… they’ll want to go back again!

In order to do so, take a look to the following checking points we listed for you. Some might seem too basic; they are not if you think about them thoroughly. So, take a deep breath and make yourself comfortable to take the first steps and initiate a fun and creative-designing process!

  1. Communication:

It is the basis of good relationships of any kind. Don’t you think? So, Delivery Service communication with our customers is no exception. On the contrary, it is mandatory to be reviewed! You have to Communicate properly with your customers...

  1. When communicating with your “Guests” you should always do so thinking about who they really are. How do they communicate? What type of language and channels or media do they use? Only then, you can get in tune.

  2. Your communication must convey the values ​​of your brand and be consistent: You will probably communicate with your Customers through different "Channels" (social networks, web, telephone, some specialized magazine, etc.) but it is very important that both the Message and the "tone" -that is, what you transmit and the way to do it- is the same regardless of the channel you use. It is very important the Client perceives harmony, consistency, clear identity in the essence of the message, because in the end, what you transmit is your brand, its personality.

  3. Written communication: it doesn’t matter how informal the language is, please pay attention to orthography and clear writing. Remember there is no waitress / waiter to clear things up!

  4. Try to communicate with your Customers how you would do it in your Restaurant. Communication should always be cordial, courteous, helpful. Formality is not the same as coldness, nor is warmth synonymous with disrespect. Despite the fact that in the Delivery Service it is very likely that there will be no face-to-face interaction with any member of your team, you can find a way to make Customers feel a certain “closeness” through the way you communicate in the different means available to do so, even when they present a claim.

Communication has become even more relevant as a result of the pandemic.  Therefore, pay close attention and always try to communicate with your customers as you would if they were in front of you, but keeping in mind that is not the case!

  1. Bond with your Customers

As we mentioned before, the Customer experience refers to the set of emotions and perceptions that the Customer feels through the whole “journey” in which they interact with your business, on several occasions in one way or another. Being the experience through the journey with our brand, something completely emotional, our success will depend on our ability to “connect” with our Clients, that is, to influence them in a positive way and that they bond with our food, our service, our team, our brand. In the room you connect with looks, greetings, smiles, verbal and non-verbal language, the environment, music, aromas, decoration... How would you do it in your Delivery service?

  1. Use your creativity… make it memorable!

The Customer experience is the center and engine of each Business, especially those dedicated to Services and without a doubt in the Food Service industry. Our goal must be that each Customer experience with our brand is more than pleasant for them, it must be memorable!. We must manage to generate moments worthy to be remembered, exceed expectations, go beyond what is expected and in each of them leave our mark, the stamp of what distinguishes us from the rest. Take away food is an opportunity to be part of something special, and be an experience itself in the lives of customers. Use your creativity ... make it an experience alone or in company, but something you would like to remember!

  1. Analyze each stage of your Customers' “journey” and implement changes

The experience of the customers with your Restaurant begins before entering the premises; when you make a reservation via the web or by phone. The same goes for delivery. From the moment in which the client begins the search for options to eat and therefore, enters the Platform or of his choice or directly searches for your contact information. Then, the “journey” continues when he analyzes the Menu, chooses, places the order, pays, waits, receives the order at the indicated address until he finally enjoys what he asked for, and even afterwards when he has to pack everything up and throw it away. However, if he follows you on social networks, if he places other orders at your restaurant, one to share with friends, another with family, the cycles will repeat, but each experience will be different. It depends on you and your team that you manage to transmit your essence, your charm, your brand values ​​at all times, even in those virtual and remote instances. How is the experience of your Customers? How does he feel at each stage or instance? Is there something you can do (or stop doing) to improve on each one?

  1. Information availability

The search and information in the different communication channels (social networks, web, telephone, some specialized magazine, etc.) must be simple and accessible to the customers. Otherwise, boredom, hunger, lack of patience or the level of demand for these types of "details", will make him opt in a matter of seconds, for any other of the thousands of alternatives available immediately.

  1. Payment Platforms

The selection and payment platform must be simple and work optimally. Although it depends on third parties, it is a fundamental part of your service. You must take charge. Do you have a contingency plan? Can you offer alternatives to your customers? You don't want to lose sales over this, right?

  1. You require determination and flexibility as well.

In previous posts we commented on the utmost importance of selecting the dishes on the menu taking into consideration -among other things- the “shake test”. If, despite not approving it, you decide to keep your "bestseller" dish on the Menu, then you should turn the packaging around or look for some creative solution.  Perhaps, send the ingredients or parts of the dish with instructions to "assemble” it on the spot. Otherwise, the experience will be totally opposite to what your Customer expects -and what you want- being the consequences, absolutely negative! If you are convinced that this dish cannot be missing, then... with that same determination, turn this problem into an opportunity with a little flexibility! what you can't do is let it pass... if you can't adapt the Menu -or you don't want to- you must then modify the Packaging, the shape... you must definitely do something, because it does matter... and the Customer experience is at stake!

  1. Manage the waiting time expectation, with honesty

Managing the expectation and anxiety of the Customers regarding the waiting time in the Delivery service is another very important issue. Being clear on lead times will not only give you credibility for future opportunities, it will save you a ton of trouble too! Do not try to impress, promising times that you know in advance you will not be able to fulfill. Customers will always prefer honest words, and your respect for their freedom to decide if they would wait for you the time you indicate.

  1. Make complex things, into fun or interesting!

By including in the packaging a Manual or instructions for use  if necessary, because the order includes for example, "buildable" dishes. Giving instructions for reheating, or explaining which sauces pair a specific dish, etc. could be difficult over the phone -both for those who give the instructions and for those who receive them.  In addition, they can be partially or completely forgotten from the moment they were given until the moment they will have to be executed. On the other hand, does your restaurant have the capacity to handle so many calls simultaneously? (orders, instructions, questions about the status of the order, claims, etc.) So, you could solve the need for extra information with an easy to read, nice or fun “How to…” and give a great impression to your customers and improve their experience considerably.

Last, but not least… your business Brand essence must be present in everything you do, everything you print, or write, or say… seize every single opportunity to express the values of your brand and make your guests feel welcome! It is pretty much like when you are having friends coming home to spend some time together… you know what each one of them likes to have to drink, take precautions in case of allergies, you feel happy about their visit and you let them know it, making them feel as comfortable and happy as possible! We also hope you feel this way about us… please, let us know if there is anything we can do better!!