The packaging: Your sales representative who makes extraordinary and several 1st impressions in the Delivery Service.

“Food and food packaging highly unlikely to spread Covid-19, experts say” (CNN, February 19th 2021)

Good News for all of us! Just yesterday, a joint press release was made from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and it said:

“While there have been some scientific studies that have identified Covid-19 particles on food packaging, most of that research is finding the genetic fingerprint of the virus, not live virus that can result in human infection”.

What the FDA, CDC and USDA were saying is that  the chances of getting the Covid-19 virus from foods and related packaging are "extremely low." 

According to the CNN report, “The three agencies said they wanted to stress the lack of credible evidence to suggest that food or its packaging are associated with transmission of the virus”.

“Our confidence in the safety of the U.S. food supply remains steadfast. Consumers should be reassured that we continue to believe, based on our understanding of currently available reliable scientific information, and supported by overwhelming international scientific consensus, that the foods they eat and food packaging they touch are highly unlikely to spread SARS-CoV-2.” (COVID-19 Update: USDA, FDA Underscore Current Epidemiologic and Scientific Information Indicating No Transmission of COVID-19 Through Food or Food Packaging. February 18, 2021)

As the CNBC report concluded “More than 110 million people around the world have tested positive for the coronavirus. There are several ways to transmit and contract the virus, but global health experts agree that Friday night’s takeout isn’t likely to be one of them”.

We expect this News gives a boost for take-away and Delivery Service since it might get rid of some concerns from people who were still uncertain about whether or not it was safe to eat away from home or handle the food packaging.  Fortunately, we have been preparing ourselves! Today, we will precisely discuss key issues to consider when choosing and / or designing the packaging for Delivery Food service because like the Menu, the Packaging requires a lot of thinking and planning... and we would like to help you to review important aspects of the Packaging of your takeout!

What is Food Packaging?

Food Packaging is not just the recipient, bag or wrapping used to protect, transport and/or preserve the food. It's much more than that! And when we refer to food delivery service packaging, we will refer to everything surrounding our food and beyond! The whole kit!

Why is Food Packaging for Delivery Service so important?

Food packaging is extremely important in the Delivery Service for it does not only help protect foods against physical, chemical and environmental factors that could possibly contaminate the food.

Food Packaging for Delivery Service is an essential part of the experience and feelings your customers will have once they receive their order.  So, depending on the packaging, the food will travel in excellent conditions, will preserve its shape, texture, and colors, and your customers will feel excited like a kid when receiving a gift... or not!

The packaging has some intrinsic basic functions that must definitely be accomplished, but it is also a powerful tool to communicate -just like the Menu (see our Menu posts series for more information).  Think of the packaging as your Restaurant’s representative, the “ambassador of your brand” when nobody else can say nothing to your customers, there IT is! What does it say? ...What would you like it to say?... Is there a gap?

When thinking on the packaging importance, think of how it would look, in one of those “unpackaging” or “unboxing” viral videos posted on the internet. The simple fact of “unpackaging” something brings surprise and joy. It holds the expectancy of those who are about to open it. It will bring them not only their meal, but it will bring them surprises and experiences, and that momentum is where the packaging plays an important role.

What are the recommendations for a Good Delivery Service Packaging?

These are the recommendations we have compiled, some from delivery experience, some from marketing experts and from our own research, that we would like to share with you to help you make your Delivery Service Packaging the Best Representative to make extraordinary first impressions, the kind that lasts:

  1. Spend time planning your packaging. It is more important than you think!

As we mentioned above, The "Packaging" is not just the bag or box that you use to deliver food to your Customers’ homes.  It's much more than that! Through Packaging you communicate with your customers. The Packaging you choose will be a key part of your customers’ Experience with your brand, with your Business. So, you should not leave it aside. 

  1. It is your business card. What impression would your Customer receive?

Food enters through the eyes. Just as in your in-dining experience you take care of the presentation of the dishes, in home delivery you must do the same. In this case, the packaging is your cover letter, but at your Clients' home or office. If you were your Client, what impression would you get when you received the food from your restaurant in its packaging? Think of small details - not necessarily expensive - that could improve it. Is it the ideal container or the right bag? Perhaps the sauce should travel in a separate container, tightly sealed -of course.

  1. Choose the packaging thinking of most relevant aspects. Do you know what they are? When selecting the type of packaging that you are going to use to transport your orders, you should think about basic aspects, such as:

  1. Utility: is it the right type of packaging for what I am going to transport? Does it allow the stability, durability and consistency of the food to be transported to be maintained? Example: pizza in a bag, soup in a box?

  2. Size and shape: what shape and size is my package relative to my plate? Is it oversized? Or are they the right size? Is it comfortable to handle and to eat in it? Is it stackable or do they fit together for easy portability? 

But it is also very important to think of:

  1. Material: it is essential to use suitable materials according to temperatures and ingredients. Example: if the content has sauces, a plain paper bag is not recommended. If it is hot, something is required that preserves the temperature or protects the hands - depending on the case.

  2. Way to dispose of them. Especially in Covid-19 times, many restaurants have implemented descartable services as a sanitary measure.  When thinking of Delivery service, thinking of tableware, disposable containers, is something even mandatory to consider. Think about how much waste we are generating, not only packaging our meal for a Delivery environment, but also the carbon footprint it generates in use of plastic alone.

We invite you to consider the small changes you could put in place to contribute in increasing your business contribution to the local community, society and the environment while thinking about your business sustainability and profitability. There are good affordable options that could help you reduce waste while not increasing your cost. Start with replacing the plastic tableware and straws with those made of environmentally friendly materials! In the market there are multiple sustainable options and you may find some with nice looks, high quality and competitive prices. This will allow you to:

  1. contribute to reduce consumption and subsequent disposal of plastic.

  2. earn the appreciation and gratitude of your Customers.

  3. generate "differentiation" to your brand experience.

  1. Always include your contact information. Always include your contact information on the packaging. It is extremely important to identify your packaging and include your contact information. In this way, customers will have a reminder of your business on hand and easy access to data for the next opportunity. Do not miss it!!

  1. Pay attention and care to your brand. Branding or managing your brand is extremely important in your packaging! Your brand is your business, its identity, what your customers perceive of it; it requires attention and care. For this:

  1. Do not delegate the promotion of your brand only to transport and delivery companies. It is your company, your brand, your identity.

  2. As far as possible, your logo must be present in everything you include in the "package" at the time of delivery of the order; bag, packaging, napkins, a card or magnet with your contact information, the menu, etc.

  3. Take into consideration that when printing or using your logo, the image must always be sharp, the printing in good resolution and the colors must be those corresponding to your brand.

  1. Facilitate unpacking. Always think about how your Customers would feel when "interacting" with your packaging and its content. Would it be nice for them? Funny? Would they have a “wow” experience? Or on the contrary, would it be complicated, annoying, inconvenient for them? 

One way to convey the friendly and cordial experience of your restaurant is by facilitating "unpacking" for your customers. For example, if you send several orders together, you can include labels (or write in good handwriting) and identify what each dish or product is. You can also include a "manual" or "instructions" to follow to "assemble" the dish, or how to heat it properly, or to make the correct match between salad and dressing, etc.

  1. Customize the packaging, also the experience

By identifying the content and, if possible, writing down the name of who requested each thing, you are also personalizing the experience and thereby generating more closeness in a fairly virtual and remote experience. "Paella (with chicken) and green salad without onion" is not the same as "John's lunch: paella (with chicken) and green salad without onion." Therefore, it is a “detail” that if you can apply it, without a doubt, it will earn you extra points!

The general idea as always, is do for others what you would like for you… what would “humanize” your order? What would make your customer feel closer, welcome, cosier?  Please, if there is anything you think is missing we would really appreciate your comments and contributions. Feel free and welcome to share them!!