The Delivery and Take-away Food. New protagonists in Food Service business models

Empanadas To-Go

2020 Pandemic: a year of broken paradigms, deepened trends, lots of changes and Learning

Many people think that in 2020 the World, the way many companies work, even the way of people relating to each other, changed.  Others may not agree or may believe that this is something temporary. 

However, what is certain is that last year was a year of paradigms shifts and a lot of learning. We can plan down to the smallest detail and still have nothing under control. Today, more than ever, it is required to have flexibility, agility, to seek solutions by trying different products or methods, because nobody was prepared for what we had to live and it is necessary to adapt, and to do it ASAP!

Our Foodservice industry was no exception. Delivery and Take-out services are nothing new, but they unexpectedly became the undisputed Protagonists. For many Restaurants, delivery service and take-out have been part of their business model since the beginning of time.  But, for others, along with Covid-19, came up questions such as What do we do if Customers cannot enter the restaurant because we must remain closed? Do we close indefinitely? What do we do if Clients do not want to enter or stay for a long time, for fear of getting infected? What options do we have? What alternatives can we offer to these Clients? 

For these Restaurants, Delivery and Take-out became the answers or the only means to survive in the midst of the storm called "pandemic", forcing them to venture into an unknown world from one day to the next…

This metamorphosis many businesses went through is now part of the new normal.  It has become a must have when designing a new business model or rethinking the existing one.  Not only as a preventive measure in case of new disrupting events may happen in the future, but also because of what we are still going through.  It has already hit so hard the customer purchase patterns, that it has deepened an existing trend which has embodied the Takeout or Delivery services as a new rule: Food away from home, at home. It is a modal too expensive to make temporary changes, and too important in the near future to not tap it in the changes and design we are now undergoing. Consider any expense on this matter an investment.


Projecting or relaunching your Business for the “after the Pandemic” time.

Having in mind that the Food Away from Home at Home will represent an important chuck of the current business while Governments get the current situation under control, it is needed to rethink how to serve the customers in order to have them not only repurchasing from your business, but also filling your business tables once we reach the “after Pandemic” moment.

It is not the same to serve your Clients at the restaurant, where you have perhaps worried about "details" such as the atmosphere, the decoration, the distribution of spaces and tables, the music… Where the staff who have received training, you or the manager of the premises can see the reaction and behavior of the public, manage and solve any problem in the right place and time. That is not the same as to do it over the phone or not even achieve it because they no longer have direct contact.  Now the relationship is remote, through third parties, or perhaps even more difficult for some… “virtual”.

How then to maintain the link? How to keep our customers satisfied? How to get "them back"? How to increase "consumption"? rotation"? Ultimately, how to take care of and keep going with the business and the jobs it generates?

Fortunately, there are already vaccines, but the scenario in 2021 remains complex for our industry. Therefore, considering how relevant and sensitive this matter is for our Customers, we want to share some advice from Marketing experts, and also the best practices that we have found by observing and sharing with those who have had successful experiences and learnings based on their own mistakes, in order to provide you with a "pinch of yeast" as part of our commitment to you.

Best Practices and Recommendations for a successful Delivery and Takeaway:

We might think that to implement a Takeaway Food Service all we have to do is continue preparing our delicious food the same as always, the one that our Clients know, put it in a container and that's it! Voilá!  Let them come for her! But… Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Just as in the kitchen and in the restaurant room, there are many things you should think about, as always, putting yourself in the place of the other, understanding what your Client needs, what they are looking for, what is the problem that needs to be solved? And then, answer... how can you - through your business - be part of the solution?

Therefore, we want to help you through this and the following publications.  Some of the topics related to the modalities of Delivery and Take Out Food that we will deal with in greater depth - named without order of importance or appearance - are the following:

       Menu What are you going to offer? Should I continue with the same dishes from my traditional Menu? A new Menu? Maybe a mix or part of the traditional one?

       What is the destination? Where will your food be enjoyed? Perhaps the food you prepare will be shared among friends, in a study meeting, or among members of a family after a busy day at work. Perhaps in the car, on the way home or in the office during a meeting or in front of the computer… There are many possibilities, but thinking about this, matters!

       Packaging in the Delivery and Takeaway Food, what if your star option is a clam chowder and you decide that it cannot be missing from the Takeaway Menu? Do you have the appropriate container? You don't want half of its content to end up in the delivery bag, staining the car, clothes or the rest of the food that travels as part of the same order, right?

       Marketing and Brand Management Your brand is your Business, its identity, what others perceive of it.  Then, it requires attention and care.

       Customer Experience You want your customer’s experience to be the same or better than what your Customers receive at your own location. As in the restaurant, here they also have several contact instances, details that you must take care of so that their experience before, during and after, is as pleasant and fluid as possible. You not only want them to be satisfied, you want them to come back and recommend you !!

We hope the suggested approaches and recommendations will help you grow your business! You are invited to share your concerns, experiences and learnings, and of course, to continue reading us on our Blog!