The Delivery and Take-away Food: The Menu, Choosing the players

Easy set up for delivery appetizers

In prior publication, we talked about the great importance that Delivery and Take-Out Food have acquired as a “new” way of relating to many Restaurants with their Customers and means of subsistence, especially in the scenario of global pandemic.  And these are the reasons for which we decided to write these Blogs, providing some recommendations to the best of our knowledge and good practices to follow, to achieve success in the implementation or development of this business model.

The Delivery and Take-Away business model, a business model itself for today's food service providers or as an extension of existing business, is an extremely broad subject with multiple edges not always applicable the same throughout all food service operator’s broad spectrum. 

So, it is worth addressing each one separately, with its own peculiarities, as we go deeper in each one of the main individual aspects of such an interesting, and massive roll out of this business model in the Food service industry and its new modality: Food away from home, at home.


The Menu: Definition and Selection for Delivery Service

In this section we will address a crucial issue: The Menu and the most important aspects to take into account when defining and selecting the proper dishes, and later on, designing and publishing the Menu for Delivery or Take away Food. We will try to offer you a guide that helps answer questions such as: What to offer? Should I continue with the same dishes from my traditional Menu? Is it necessary to create a new one?, -among others-.

Please, keep in mind that when we refer to the "Menu", we do so referring to both the physical or digital document that we offer to show the customers the sequence or list of options available to them to taste, as well as the combined plate -or combination of dishes- that constitute the gastronomic offer of a particular Restaurant, Cafe or any Food Service operation.


Preparation of a Special Menu for Delivery Service

Implementing a Delivery service involves much more than preparing the usual food, buying some containers, and setting up a telephone line or WhatsApp.

One of the dilemmas that arise is whether or not to continue with the preparation of the same Menu that we normally offer for Dine-In in our food service operation. As we will see, the answer to this and other concerns will depend on various factors and they are precisely those that we want to help you consider for your analysis and subsequent conscious decision-making.

The Menu you offer in digital media does not have to be exactly the same as the one you serve for your Dine-In experience. On the contrary, you must choose very well what you are going to offer considering such important variables as: sales, shock test, decaying products or ingredients, etc. Remember that you are competing with all kinds of restaurants and food service operators. You must be careful with the number of options you offer. On this occasion, "Less is more." The menu should be short, easy to read, and eye-catching. The "simpler" it is for the customer, the better! Keep in mind the circumstances in which your customers will be under; They are no longer sitting in your Restaurant with your Menu in front of them; now they are in front of a screen with infinite options that can be simultaneously reached within the time of just a few "clicks". A click into your menu or a click away from your business. It is that click simple.

For all the above, to make the correct selection of your ideal takeaway menu, you must think a lot and do it very well. Next, we will mention some topics or aspects and we will give examples that may be useful for your analysis:

1.     Give prominence to your "Best-Sellers'': Above, we mentioned that the Menu for Delivery may -and perhaps should be- different from that of your Restaurant. Nevertheless, you must always keep your essence and identity -this will also be a topic to be discussed later- For this, at the time of preparing a Menu for the Delivery Service - either directly or through Food ordering and Delivery platforms - as a rule of thumb, you must include what you sell the most. Perhaps your "favorite" product is not the favorite of your customers ... However, theirs is the one that counts! What do you sell the most? What is that "best-seller" dish that everyone asks about when they arrive at your business?... Perhaps the one for which you have become known ...That emblematic dish cannot be missing from your options at Delivery! You must find a way to solve any inconvenience that may arise or make the corresponding adaptations so that this "favorite" is there.

2.     Menu Decay: Reviewing the ingredients that you would use in your takeout menu is essential. The time it will take to go from your kitchen to your customer table is way longer (not less than 30 min) than the time it usually takes from your kitchen to the customer who is dining-in your business. So, be honest, run some tests holding your food preparations for about 30 minutes and ask yourself “Would it be necessary to make any changes?

In this business, we all know that food textures are just as relevant as its color, taste and temperature: soft should stay soft, crispy should stay crispy, fresh should keep fresh, and so on…

3.     Products or dishes suitable for Delivery: There are foods that, although we try with all our heart and leave our soul in the attempt, do not work well for delivery. Ex: French fries. It doesn't matter who or how you prepare them, how you reserve them or how you move them from one place to another. 7 minutes later they never look, taste, or smell the same as when they were freshly made! When preparing your Takeaway Menu, it is essential to also consider the following, to assertively choose the options to offer:

Easy set up for appetizers. Empanadas

a.     Preparation time: both your Customers and the delivery service people will be waiting. You want them both to be happy with your performance and service.

b.     Complexity of the operation: you need agility and processes as simple as possible. In this business model, every minute matters!

c.      Time that your product can remain prepared and stable before being discarded or losing its properties (shelf life). You need products whose "lifespan" is not too short and gives you the windows of time and cost savings due to losses that you need in your operation.

d.     There are some solutions; products and ingredients that are specially designed for the grab-n-go, which in a way is a business model whose characteristics resemble the Take Out / Delivery Services. There you might find some answers for the changes you need to make into your preparation to boost its performance.

4.     Passing the "Shake Test" is another important factor to consider when selecting the options to include in the Menu that it deserves a separate mention. You must think who is going to transport the order? how will they do it? What will be the trajectory and time from when your food leaves the kitchen until it reaches your customer? It's one thing to ride on a plate that will be carried from the kitchen to the table by someone on your team through a few tables. Another very different one, to send it with a transport service, inside a thermal bag with other orders, using a motorcycle or car, who has to deliver not only the meal you prepare but so many others in different places and on a very tight schedule, whatever the company hired for this. This is what is known as the "Shake Test" ... will your products pass it? When the customer opens the package you sent ... What will they find inside? Will it be eye catching? Will it be the same way you prepared it in your kitchen? If it does not, then it is highly likely your customer is going to start their experience with the wrong foot. And you do not want that to happen, because it will be not only a dissatisfied customer but also it potentially becomes free, viral and damaging auto inflicting damage you are calling upon yourself in social media platforms, which does matter, considering that this very same business was nurtured in the Web.

So, is it convenient to include that specific meal you had in mind in the Menu? Do you need to incorporate something different? Will you make your most iconic dishes pass the Shake Taste? If you are convinced that the product has to be included, even though it does not pass this critical test, then perhaps the solution is in the Packaging, but that will be the subject of a future discussion.


Now that you have reviewed all these items and have answered all these questions, your Menu options are ready. Then, it is time to communicate them!!  Please leave us your comments, we would like to share our community experiences designing their menu for the Take-out/Delivery Service.