Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving an important celebration with Hispanic twist.


PulCan in customer kitchen

Thanksgiving Celebration with a Hispanic twist

Thanksgiving Celebration has been for many years synonymous with happy Family and Friends reunions, long awaited and always special encounter, and forgiveness opportunities, to share with our closest and dearest people. For lots of us is the time to go back or feel “like home”.

The idea is also to make others feel welcome. Home is that place where we feel secure and calm. The word comes from the place where fire was started, and the family sat around to get warm and fed.

Maybe because of this, the kitchen is such a special place for all of us who have a Hispanic origin, since many of the most delicious moments with our families or the most memorable moments with our friends take place in the kitchen. There is where we marinate long lasting relationships that cook themselves with the warmth of the stoves around a table full of delicious smells and unforgettable saviors of homemade foods.

However, it doesn’t matter where you’re from”! Who would not enjoy a pleasant conversation sharing nice food with loved ones?

Tradition in the Thanksgiving Celebration

The Thanksgiving dinner becomes a colorful feast, in which each invited guest gives with love and shares his recipes and with them the traditions and customs that have accompanied him since his childhood.

It is also a great moment to try different tendencies, the ideal opportunity to delight our commensals with a new learnt or just created recipe just for the occasion, or maybe, with the amazing tip of new and exquisite appetizers bought in a certain place.

Nevertheless, beyond all the preps, logistics, the menu, the invites, this celebration has a very profound meaning that becomes especially relevant this year that has been so difficult for so many people literally around the world -and we are not the exception. It is the time to make the first step and to thank those who deserve it, for what truly matters in our lives.

Thanksgiving Celebration in the “new normal”

Spanish Churros freshly fried
Let nothing stop us! Regardless the reasons why this year’s celebration might not be the same, for not being able to celebrate “as usual” or for not having with us those special people we would like with us, besides us, there is always something we can thank from the bottom of our heart.
And that’s exactly what we would like to do in this blog today, because despite all the difficulties, We feel truly grateful!
  • For the warm hospitality our Family was received upon our arrival three years ago.
  • For all the people who trust us to represent your products, as our own.
  • For those -like you- who open the doors, inviting us to their kitchens, heart and soul of your -businesses!
  • For those who give us the opportunity to work with you side by side, becoming partners to achieve our goals and the satisfaction of our customers’ needs.
  • And last, but not least, for our Family. Both the blood family -who has supported us unconditionally- and Friends, who gave us a hand and the opportunity to work with them and start up this project together. 

We keep working very hard to improve everyday because we are strongly committed to help you through our products, when you need us.

Happy Thanksgiving

PulCan Family