Feliz día del Padre... Happy Father's Day

What exactly is celebrated in Father’s Day?

Empanadas with Venezuelan GuasacacaFather’s Day is viewed as an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the father figure. Although we do not know of previous recognition as we do know regarding motherhood in ancient times, there is no doubt the importance father’s role plays in society.

In Catholic countries, Father’s Day is celebrated the same day as Saint Joseph’s Day on March 19th.  In the United States, as in many of Latin American countries, Father’s Day is celebrated the 3rd Sunday of each June, thanks to a loving daughter who stood up for her idea that Fatherhood deserved a celebration too, based on her personal experience.

History behind Father’s Day?

William Jackson Smart was a farmer who served in the Union’s First Arkansas Light Artillery during the American Civil War.  He was married to Ellen Victoria Cheek Smart, and when their eldest and only daughter Sonora Smart Dodd was 7 years old, the family moved from Marion, Arkansas to Spokane, Washington.

In 1898, Ellen passed away while giving birth to the sixth son of the couple.  So, it was up to Sonora to help her dad William to raise her younger brothers.

That close relationship between Sonora and William not only forged a bond, but also grew awareness in Sonoma of the importance of a father figure while raising a family, no matter the dire of the circumstances.

It was while listening to a sermon on the recently proclaimed Mother’s Day, that Sonora realized that fathers too deserved a day for recognition.  That was the spark which ignited her movement, until the first Father’s Day was celebrated in Spokane in June 19th, 1910, after finding the support of two local organizations.

After gaining some popularity and support of local politicians, Father’s Day was sporadically “officially celebrated”, but it was not until 1972, under Richard Nixon, when a permanent and national observance was established for the Father’s Day, as the third Sunday of each June.

What do we learn from Father’s Day?

Being a Father, means to play a role.  This role requires a balance between the responsibilities and the fun attached to being a father and educate a kid.

Sonora’s love for her Father, and her need to have a day for recognizing the role fathers play in kids’ education, grew from her own experience.  

William -Sonora’s father- had no easy life at all; he was a farmer full of hope and uncertainty and experienced the horrors of a cruel War.  He also lost his wife and was alone with the task to raise a family.  However, in spite of so many terrible circumstances, he did the best he could to overcome adversity, while providing his family what was needed.

There is where relies the importance of today’s celebration; recognition of the father’s job in society, the kind of father who deals with adversity and overcomes it day by day. Today we are recognizing fathers and father figures present in our lives.  It might be you, your husband, your dad or grandpa, your brother, or a close friend who is seen as a father figure.

We recognize fatherhood and paternal bonds; we are acknowledging the inspiration father figures deliver into children lives.  We celebrate and concede the importance of a father educating through example, a paternal image who provides safety to their kids for their healthy development in the society they will grow in, and later model themselves.

So today, relax and celebrate your day; you deserve it!  Prepare a nice barbecue with your loved ones, and if you are in the mood to try a new recipe, give a try to the Venezuelan “Papá de las salsas”:  Guasacaca.

Enjoy, and have a great day!!